Immediate Edge Scam – Another Scam Crypto Trading “Robot” Unveiled

You can search the Immediate Edge website for information about the company behind it and any additional corporate background, but you will be left disappointed. There is absolutely zero information available about the company behind the platform.

Immediate Edge Scam

Immediate Edge Scam
Immediate Edge Scam Trading Robot

With cryptocurrencies becoming all the rage, the market is now attracting a massive amount of traffic from all over the world. Many investors have already managed to make huge returns on their investment and others are joining the crowds in order to do the same. This has pushed up the demand for platforms to cater to these crypto investors and hundreds of them have popped up in response. However, the most important thing to remember is that not every platform is genuine and legitimate. The crypto market is also rife with scams and this Immediate Edge review highlights yet another one.

This indicates that it is crucial to proceed with caution because even a slight miscalculation on your part can lead to massive losses. Your goal is to make high profits and this can happen when you choose the right platform for crypto investment. At first glance, Immediate Edge is the ideal solution for everyone because it boasts an intelligent crypto software that can help you make anywhere between $950 and $2,200 on a daily basis. Of course, these returns are extremely impressive and you wouldn’t want to miss the opportunity.

When you add in Immediate Edge’s tactics of pulling people in by giving warnings, such as only 40 spots left, it can be extremely hard to resist. You will also find claims of beginners using their software for making daily earnings and integration with some of the most well-known crypto exchanges like Coinbase, Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex and Binance. All of this might make for an impressive package, but it is when you do a little digging that you find the problems. What are they? Let’s take a look:

It appears to be anonymous

You can search the Immediate Edge website for information about the company behind it and any additional corporate background, but you will be left disappointed. There is absolutely zero information available about the company behind the platform. The website is just furnished with ludicrous statements about the kind of returns they can offer and there are no other details about the company provided. There is no address, email or phone number available on the Immediate Edge website.

This means that you have no idea where Immediate Edge is based and they want you to trust them with your money. In addition, they don’t have an email or phone number available either, which means you will have no way to contact them if you need to. There is not a single legitimate company that would ever do this.

Its track record is not verified

All throughout the Immediate Edge website, you will find it talking about the high returns it can offer to you. It touts its crypto trading software as the best and is offering substantial profits to all. As a matter of fact, you will find numerous customer testimonials on their website that boast about the massive returns they were able to make. The numbers are undoubtedly impressive and if you were to make a decision based on them alone, you would sign up right away.

However, a deeper look reveals that Immediate Edge does not provide any details about its so-called top software. There is no information about how it works, so you cannot verify its track record. Investing your money based on a bunch of customer reviews that too on the company’s own website is a big mistake.

It is unregulated

Another issue you will find about Immediate Edge is that they are not regulated at all. Since there is no company background, you don’t know where they are based and whether they are registered or not. As there is no license on the website, it is apparent that there is no regulatory oversight, which means they can do whatever they wish.

Final Decision

When you go over these issues, it is easy to see that Immediate Edge is not a legitimate trading robot.

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