Global Crypto App – A Fake Trading Robot Made To Sign You Up With Shady Brokers

If you check out the Global Crypto App presentation, you will find lots of customer testimonials indicating that the platform can turn your $500 into $2,000 within 20 days. A closer look reveals just how many problems exist with Global Crypto App and why you should not trust it at...

Global Crypto App Scam

Scam Trading Robot

Cryptocurrencies have proven themselves to be the next big thing in finance, so it doesn’t come as a surprise that people all over the world are interested in investing into this space. The market is highly volatile, which means there are risks, but it also means equally high profits and this can draw people in. Unfortunately, this has also brought in a massive number of scammers that present HYIP schemes to people to lure them in. This Global Crypto App review sheds some light on one such scheme. If you are familiar with HYIP (high-yield investment programs), you would be aware that they promise incredible returns with minimal risk.

Yes, this does sound too good to be true and as it turns out, this is exactly the case with Global Crypto App. You will come across it when you begin looking for crypto investment options and their claims are very impressive, so they will definitely draw your eye. The platform is offering 95% success in every trade, thanks to its top-notch trading algorithms. Furthermore, they also offer financial freedom via their advanced social trading platform. All of this sounds really incredible, but when someone is promising to make you rich in a couple of weeks, you have to be very cautious.

A closer look reveals just how many problems exist with Global Crypto App and why you should not trust it at all. Let’s check it out:

Anonymous platform

Would you hand over your hard-earned money to a stranger? It is not wise to do so, especially over the internet where anyone can vanish at any time. When you take a look at Global Crypto App, you will discover that their website appears to be completely anonymous. They have not provided any corporate background, so you cannot know who is behind the company.

You will also find that there is no contact address given, nor a phone number, which means you have absolutely no idea who you are dealing with when you decide to register with Global Crypto App on their website. In fact, when you do fill the form on the website, it redirects you to the webpage of an offshore brokerage, such as Globalix, TradeLTD, or Market Cap and asks you to open a trading account.

The minimum deposit needed is between $250 and $500 and this is how Global Crypto App earns its commission. This is a red flag because these brokers have been blacklisted by different regulatory authorities. The Spanish financial authorities have blacklisted Globalix, while the Italian regulator has issued a warning against TradeLTD.

Lack of track record

If you check out the Global Crypto App presentation, you will find lots of customer testimonials indicating that the platform can turn your $500 into $2,000 within 20 days. This is a whopping 400% profit, especially when it takes less than a month and is combined with 95% successful trades. However, there is no detail provided on how it is achieved, whether via the trading algorithms, or through the social trading platform.

Global Crypto App has not provided any details and they don’t have a historical track record of their social trading platform, or algorithm, something that other platforms like eToro and Zulu can and do provide.

No regulation

Another major concern that you will come across at Global Crypto App is the fact that it is unregulated and unlicensed. Licensing and regulation offer investors security because they know their funds are protected and the company can be held accountable in case of a problem. But, this does not apply to Global Crypto App because it is essentially anonymous and can up and disappear with your money anytime. Since you have no idea who is behind the platform, you will not be able to take any action.


After a look at the problems with Global Crypto App, it is obvious that this is nothing but a scam and should not be trusted.

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